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7 Days Fasting - Dec 2020

As Christians, we might have heard about the importance of fasting. But not all of us do it or see the benefits of it. In my understanding, It is a way of getting closer to God. Also, you can get clarity on different aspects of your life. This year in August, I felt God was leading me into seven days of fasting. So, I've made a promise to do it every month. I still need to learn how to fast, but this will be my way of documenting my fasting journey. And share what I'm learning.

Date: 31-6 Dec 2020

Day 1: Not a great start. I skipped devotion because I was too tired to wake up.

I've listed my list and have prayed on it during the day. I still need to know how to combine it with bible study.

4 points:

- My relationship with God

- Directions that I need to take further in life

- For the plans that God has for my life

- How to prepare for end times

Day 2: laws of God or laws of people?

Last Sabbath, we had a reunion at church to decide if we wanted to open church anytime soon. Our church has been closed for the last seven months, since April. At that reunion, I asked my pastor, 'when do we need to stop listening to the government? With this Covid -19 "pandemic," they have been telling us what to do. I know the bible says to honor the laws of the land till they go against the laws of the Lord. But when will we say it's enough? And He cited a short version of 1 Peter 2:13-14 to indicate that we need to listen to the laws of the land. I didn't say anything because I didn't know what else that verse said. We know that we, as Christians like to use the verses and twist them for our good. That's why we are applying most of the requirements, to keep each other safe.

13. Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; 14. Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. 1 peter 2:13-14
Today the verse came back to my mind, and I google it to know what it says. So, I will be studying that. I'm sure the Lord already showed me something, but I want to study to share it with you guys.

Lesson: Study your word, or else you won't be able to stand in the end time. Don't wait till your church activates; that might never happen. Sabbath was just a test for me.

Day 3-4: All over the place.

One important part of this fasting is; ''to pass more time with the lord". I can't say that my relationship with the Lord is bad, but I need to spend more time in the word. I lack self-discipline. In the morning, I'm too lazy to wake up. At night, I'm too tired. Sometimes, I want to study, but I fall asleep. During the day, I'm constantly talking to the Lord. It's hard to turn bad habits into good habits; once you're there, it is sweet as honey.

Today at work, someone told me that I don't like what I'm doing. Indeed I wouldn't say I like it. I know I don't belong there. It made me think this year in September when I was on the stage at church in a live program singing one of my composed songs; there is where I feel I belong. As the Lord opened that door that day, He will open another one.

I have many questions regarding Coronavirus and the prohibition on singing in the church. The Lord wants us to come to Him to sing songs of praise. It is a form of adoration, but if the government is telling you not to do it, aren't they going against God's law? Also, with social distancing, what is the point of going to church? You can't hug, you can't talk, anything. How can we unite like that? What bothers me more is when the elders tell the people to stay calm. There is no need to get into problems before it's time. When is it time then? When the Sunday-law is enforced?

I keep everyone that came here in my prayers, be blessed. We are here to help one another; you're not the only one that struggles. Important is self-reflection and that we realize that only God can help us.

Day 5: Nearly lost it all

While writing day 5, I erased it all and couldn't undo it. I felt like my whole life crashed. I thought, 'Do I need to start from zero?'. What if it is lost? I am trying to remember what I wrote the other days. Thank God I didn't lose it all. Only what I've just written, day 5. It's not about what happened but how you handle it. I could have gone mad and decided I was not doing it anymore. I even thought about it. But that was satan's voice, that I do not obey. So here is what I was telling you.

Today, I got a call offering me the possibility of a new job. In my mind, I want another job, but at the same time, I don't want to leave the job I have now yet. At first, I was excited. It is good news after so many no's. I remembered I'd written a list and wrote the things I would like in this job. For example, no night shifts. Before I called them, I prayed to the Lord and told him; I had one of these 4 points missing, and I was not going to accept this job. Then I started to wonder and doubt, what if I never found a job then? Ultimately, I told them I didn't want to work night shifts.

Why not night shifts? One, it's bad for your health; it messes up all your sleeping patterns. Second, I only have a bike. Biking at that time (2 am) is very dangerous, 26 minutes ride. Third, there is no other safest way to come home. So, it is safe to tell the Lord what you will have (focus on what I need). The 4 points are things that, for me, are important to have. I will keep in prayer for my desire to be God's desire.

Day 6 & 7: The last days

Yesterday was Sabbath. The day the Lord gave to us to keep. We sometimes don't know how to keep it holy because we did our desires the whole week. This fasting helped me a lot.

Today was the last day; I hadn't prayed so much. Still, I've learned something.


Why can't I wake up in the morning to have a devotional? Because I slept too late or I'm too lazy.

Why is it so hard to find something to read? Because you are not hungry for the word. You are used to spiritual death.

Why is being productive so hard? Because you lack self-discipline.

Moral of the story:

I don't seek the Lord because I'm not hungry enough for his word and need more self-discipline.

** I will do the fasting only when felt let!

Pray, be vigilant, and stay blessed!


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