Testimony 1: Everything went wrong! (Part 2)
D-Day: Interview
Today, I woke up on time, left my house on time, and reached my destination on time. Then everything broke loose:
- I got in the right tram but got out at the next halt because I thought I had taken the wrong one. I waited for the other one for nearly 7 minutes to realize that that one was the wrong one. The other one was the right one.
- Finally, I reached my destination to realize it was the wrong one. The direction I needed was the hospital, but I've searched for the university. So, I called the interviewer to tell him I was in the wrong direction. He explained it to me, but I went in the wrong direction. So, I went back to my first location.
- On my way back to the correct location, I was talking with my friend, and my phone got dark. He couldn't listen to me anymore, so he called me back. I couldn't recognize his number because all the numbers on my phone were gone. There was no list at all. So, I restarted my phone, got the numbers, and called the interviewer.
- Finally, I got to the hospital.
- When I reached there, I tried to call, but my phone told me I didn't have enough credit'(when I still got 1,19 euros, I could make a call). So, I borrowed the helpdesk phone to call, and he came to pick me up.
- Everything went great; I did my best in the interview.
- When I finished, my phone was ok, and I could make a call. I still need to understand what went wrong!
- On top of all that, that trip was 24 euros and is my last dimes.
- They told me they would call me the next day.
My lessons learned so far.
Always double-check if you have the right direction so you will arrive on time. After all that happened, I could only smile because I couldn't understand why things went wrong all of a sudden. But one thing I know for sure. If I get this job, there is no way I can boost my skills. Being 30 minutes late is enough to say you wasted your time and money. But I know that the Lord is with me, and whatever happens will be for His glory. It might be a blessing for others. About everything, trust the Lord. What looks impossible in people's eyes is not impossible for the Lord.
Stay focused, and stay blessed.
Keep reading the following up story! Part tree!