Faith through the struggle
Everything looks impossible, and nothing works. You are walking in circles. Indeed it is! When life changes so drastically, you know that the Lord is the only one you can rely on.
My story
I've finished school, got my degree, and was expecting my life to level up, but it only downgraded. After searching and searching for jobs, I lose the motivation to keep searching. I was curious to know if I still was qualified. Many doubts sunk my hopes. What know? People have expectations of how my life needs to go, but I only felt like a failure.
My jobs and experience
After finishing school, I got a job, the job from hell -to survive-. That job was so crazy. I was crying to God to save me, but He did tell me to get that job in the first place. So, there was I suffering by my own choice. I realized that I would rather not work than do that crazy job, but I decided to wait on the Lord to make a way out for me. Yes, indeed, He did. He provided a catering job for me, It's not what I wanted, but I know it was the Lord's will.
I've worked there for nearly two years. That job made me grow; it was crazy that I even enjoyed it. Following up, I knew it was time to move on.
What's next?
After feeling led by the Lord to quit, I've left! After leaving, I thought; I would get a job immediately, but I stayed jobless for ten months. Those ten months were very hard. I was dependent on the Lord for everything. Many times this season, I saw God's hands on my life, but as more time passed, I started to get worried. Various times I had conversations with church members because I thought they could help strengthen my shaking faith. The truth was, few of them were a type of help. Some of them made me doubt my faith as being too extreme.
Was I too extreme?
I was not too extreme! For me, it was essential to know who my God was. I wanted to see if I could trust Him with and in everything. This season was, therefore. I was praying so hard to the Lord to show me His character. I didn't want to depend on my job, money, and people but only on Him. I didn't want to have any idols in my heart. If I can't trust Him now, how will I be able to trust Him later on? In those ten months, many things happened, and I learned a lot. Fast-forward, to now, I came to realize that the Lord is all I ever needed. Nothing else can fill that empty void. Trusting God is not easy, but you know He is there to help you anytime -in His timing and according to His will-. When you feel overwhelmed, His word has all you need.
Nearly one year later
August 20, 2021, will be one year since those ten months have ended. I have never been more grateful. I've grown so much, not because those ten months are over. I've grown to trust the Lord more and know that He is everything I need.
I've often asked myself: "How can you be content even when things go from bad to worst?" With the degree, I could get a job that pays €2000.00 a month, to joblessness with no hope. Still, the Lord was faithful to provide me with jobs that I didn't like but still enjoyed being there. When the time came up, it was time to move on. All of them were to teach me something. It's all about the perspective. How do I need to look at this tragedy? I've often asked myself: "How can I be grateful through all this?" Did I like the job? Not really, but I know that I was there for a season. Now, I'm ready to go to the next one. It sounds crazy and scary, but there is nothing to fear. People looked at me like I was a failure, but I was not! I know that my God has great plans for my life. A purpose that gave my life reason. Others may not see it or believe it, but I do.
Moral of the story
It's not about where I am but about where I'm going. The place I'm going will require skills that I'm learning along the way -this season-.
Keep pushing, and don't give up! The Lord needs you where you are to make a big difference. They will look at you as if you are crazy because they don't understand and don't know your God. For him, nothing is impossible.
Be blessed, and stay blessed!