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In moments like this!

It is Coronavirus; I nearly forgot when was the last time I saw a church member. When we could hug, talk, and eat some cookies after service. I never saw it coming that we would not be at church because of a virus. Many questions flooded my mind. Are we doing what is right?

Was it right to close the church? The place we come to meet God? Where do we renew our strength? Where brotherly love and union in Christ most grow and keep us together?

Now see us; we are scattered everywhere. When was the last time you massaged one of the members? Do you even remember those that feel lonely? What is the plan that the church has made so that we can still meet each other?

We are behaving like the world. Everyone is being selfish while thinking they are caring for each other. They think that by wearing a mask, they are protecting themselves and others. But where is God in all this? Why does the church adapt to this social distancing? Social distancing is causing more harm than good. Telling you from the point of view of an introvert. God created us to love and care for one another but see us now. You can see it as wearing a mask, and all the rules are also caring for others, but where do you draw the line? Is this right? Did our church leaders make the right decision regarding this matter? The Bible says not to break the law of the land; 1] Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2] Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. {Romans 13:1-2} Our higher power is the government, but what if they make us sin against God's law? Should we still obey? Do we know when we need to stand up against the powers in this world? The end is coming; what are we doing in standing for the Lord? We are lukewarm, waiting for the Sunday law to activate, for then we are too late. You have been conforming yourself by being prepared for the Sunday law. When it comes, you won't be able to stand against it. The devil is a liar, be sober and vigilant.

Be blessed, and stay blessed!


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