Marriage in the eyes of a single person.
Are you single and have the desire to get married? Do you have all the qualities to be married but still single? When is it going to be my time? Am I not good enough?
We, as single ladies, tend to have this pressure from family, friends, and acquaintances about when we are going to get married. Your time is ticking. Everyone is getting married, when are you going to bring a boyfriend? We all know this. The older you get, the more pressure you feel.
What am I supposed to do if I have this desire, but no one is interested in me? Do I need to find someone just to say, "I'm in a relationship"? Or do I need to wait on God's timing?
This is my point of view on the matter. Yes, I'm single! Yes, most people my age and younger are married or in relationships with kids. Do I need to feel bad because I'm single? I preferred to be single and happy doing what the Lord wants me to do than being married and discontent and with the desire to be single. When you are single, there are so many things you can do. You can travel, learn how to cook, knit, etc. You are a wife before you become one! It is also not about just waiting on God; there is preparation to be done.
Don't waste your season because you want to be in another season!
Be blessed, and stay blessed!