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The Lord has been so good to me.

The next day I wondered; is this really a blessing? It's cold, the weather is gloomy and long riding on the bike. This was around 8:30 am. Some hours after writing what it is below.

Some hours before (2:30 am)

With the struggles of life we get so distracted that we don't pay attention how good God been to us. Sometimes we pray and forget.

The Lord hears and answer prayers!

I have had occasions that I've just told the Lord something and it just happened. In those moments you know that it's the Lord. Other times It seems like your prayer aren't getting answered and you wonder if you need to stop or keep going. In other occasions, it takes days, weeks, or months for your prayers to get answered. I have noticed in my life that the moments I have been most sincere, the Lord showed up. He showed up on His own timetable.

It was a blessing.

The lord blessed me with a job after being jobless for 10 months. Yes, in this 'deadly' pandemic. The Lord have been so faithful, only it took me 4 months to really realized that it was an answered prayer.

After finishing school, I was still terrified in job searching because of my bad my internship experience. One months before graduation I worked as an hotel cleaner. After two months I've quit. Why, because that job was mentally, physically and spiritually killing (props to those who can do that for years). After that, God provided me another job in the catering industry (something I've never thought I've would work in). That job was seasonal, 5 months work and 5 months at home. I worked there for two seasons. In my last season the Lord told me to resign. At first, I doubt if it was God, but as soon as I was convinced it was God, I've resigned (16-10-2019). After that, came the longest 10 months of my life. During these 10 months I've struggled in getting a job; staying positive; staying content; staying grateful, while struggling to pay rent many times. This struggle became a life moto

" I live one day at the time"

This motor is sustained by Matthew 6: 34.

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

It might seems a little extreme, but people that don't know the whole story might think that I'm joking. They were worried about me thinking that I'm living carelessly. But I'm not! Definitely, there were moments of a negative vibe. I felt like the Lord didn't care for me. That He didn't want to show me what He wanted me to do with my life. In moments like that I had other verses. As Deuteronomy 8:2, testing of your heart.

And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no..

Or Matthew 7:24, you can't serve two masters.

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Those are some verses or chapters that I was reading and meditate on. Also

Hebrews 13:5-6.

5. Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. 6. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me. Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

While I was struggling with being content with what I was going true. There where moments that I've cry. Sometimes for nothing. But indeed the Lord was pruning my heart. When I was at my lowest point ready to give up on everything the Lord came trough. I have this little prayer that I pray that is radical for even some Christians. Why should I be scared of this prayer. Why should I not pray for delivering from worldly things as house?

" Help me to put my trust only in You, not my job, money, house or money (any worldly things). Now that I can get anything I want on my own and can't trust You. How will I trust You when things gets harder?"

Definitely, that prayer was being tested and hard. And it still is, because I still have worldly things that I know I need to let go of it. It is an endless road, meanwhile we live In this world we will keep struggle with worldly things. Those things are all around us, rubbing our time and our peace. They are everywhere; at TV, radio or books. Satan wants our hearts, but we need to give God our hearts even If it means passing difficulties.

The job

End of July, the lord put on my heart to do a 7 day fasting in Augustus. Because I was struggling financially, a member of the church told me to ask help from the government. Something I didn't want to do, because I believe that the Lord want me to trust Him more than this world system. But because she was telling me this for the second time; 'I thought , maybe was it God talking to me'. So, I started the process in May or June. The last papers that I needed to send, arrived mid July. When I saw that paper, I was in shock. They asked me so many things. How I survived and from whom I've got money. I needed to give them also a written letter from every cent I've got from people. So, I told the Lord that I don't want to do it. Show me that I can trust You and not the government that He is my provider and not them . I took my step of faith and didn't fill it. I also wrote my prayer list. Finding a job was in that list. I wrote down what I wanted in a job and in Aug I started my fasting and job search.


- flexible, less that 36 hours of work, weekend free and no night shifts. I didn't ask for nothing much, I didn't might having a job with Any title either. It didn't took long that I got a job and didn't need to fill any papers to get no money from the government. The Lord has showed me once again that He is good. As a woman highly educated with a job that will pay me at least €2000 a month, I've chose to work a cleaning job for 27 hours a week, with my weekend of and no night shifts. The world will look at me and say; what are you doing girl. You've got a degree, you can get a great job ect. To me, it makes me happy to have something rather than heaving nothing. It went from 10 jobless month to a flexible job of 27 hours. You will always have people that won't understand what you are doing. They think your worth is in your career or the amount of money you make. Did I feel bad to " downgrade"? At some moments I even felt like I can't even clean. This is a season in my life. If I will ever get or search for a job in my field, I don't really know. But I'd would like to enjoy the journey. I guess it has to do with the lord humbling us before He can take us where he wants us to be. That when we start to follow his plan when don't get arrogant, but stay humble.


The Lord takes unusual was to teach us things. In my case to be more social, more kind, friendly and humble. Sometimes it think I'm crazy. I'm not perfect, I still struggle. Still, one thing I know is:

The Lord is the last thing I want to give up on. I can't give up on the Lord!

From now on, life will only get harder, try Him when it's still possible. Otherwise it will be hard to trust Him when things gets harder.

Be blessed, stay prayerful!


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